Civic Innovation logo

Civic Innovation is an agile and groundbreaking non profit organization based in Stockholm, Sweden

Our mission is to solve real-life problems so that everyone can form their own life and future.

We develop social & technical innovation that empowers civil society and the individual.

We do that in close collaborationwith carefully selected partners.

We don’t have the right answer; we have something better.
A proven process to find it.

The result of our effort is an ecosystem of products and services in three areas:

Amanda Lee

Web Designer
Assistive technology with expertise in neuropsychology, autism, and adhd

Samanta Kols

Secure generative & conversational Ai that is GDPR-compliant with data stored in EU

Mila Yong

CEO Company
AI powered Mobile Micro Learning

Our projects

Mariko-digital assistant helps you organise, plan and prioritise what is important in life.

Mariko is a digital assistant for people with adhd, autism or who identify themselves as neurodivergents. 

Mariko is a digital assistant that makes it easy to create a visual daily schedule of what needs to be done, when and by whom.

Mariko helps you to organise, plan and prioritise what is important in life.

In its entirety, it is a platform that facilitates communication and collaboration between individuals, caregivers and other professionals.

Mariko is available as an app for mobile devices and on the desktop directly through the browser.

Why are we developing Mariko?

Many neurodivergent (ND) people face various obstacles on a daily basis due to personal challenges, lack of societal awareness about ND, and inaccessible environments.

It can take a lot of energy to make everyday life work. Many experience both high stress and anxiety on a daily basis, which in the long run can lead to mental issues.

With Mariko, we want to change this.

Mariko supports you and your next of kin to manage life’s challenges and reduce stress and anxiety so that you can be more independent.

Have a look here >> 

AutismEd AI powered Mobile Microlearning

We are developing an AI powered Mobile Microlearning (MML) framework and platform to create, find and distribute accessible digital courses that contribute to greater awareness and participation around neurodiversity.

With the AutismEd-platform, we want to connect people on the autism spectrum with curated courses that prepare them for meaningful work life.

Have a look here >>

ICF CoreSets-platform for autism and adhd

Together with the Center of Neurodevelopmental Disorders at Karolinska Institutet (KIND) we are developing the ICF CoreSets assessment platform. 

The ICF CoreSets assessment platform maps functioning in children, adolescents and adults with autism (ASD) and/or ADHD. Assessment results are presented in a clear and dynamic manner, providing grounds for a better understanding of an individual in its environment.

The ICF CoreSets platform is based on the World Health Organization’s (WHO) classification system International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). ICF is a globally accepted system for assessment of the following areas of function: Body functions, body structures, activities and participation, environmental factors and personal factors. It is considered standard practice and is recommended by national and international organizations and guidelines.

Have a look here >>


Mind is a non-profit organization working towards a society that promotes mental well-being. A society where people with mental health problems and psychiatric diagnoses are respected, receive the support they need and where no one takes their own life.

Mind runs the Suicide Line, the Lifeline, the Elderly Line and the Parenting Line.

The objective of the Mind AI assistant is to develop, test, and evaluate if and how a conversational and generative AI assistant could complement the organization and MIND’s services within mental health. 

We use optimized Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) and
fine-tuning to utilize MIND’s own knowledge base. This helps us to chunk, rank and optimize the retrieval of data. In other words, respond to user requests in the best possible way 🙂

Take a look at website here >> culture and leisure guide

Fritidsinfo is Sweden’s leading cultural and leisure guide for people with disabilities. On Fritidsinfo you find different types of leisure activities, events and coll thing do regardless of ability to fuction.

Have a look here >>

How we work

The Civic Innovation Sprint.

From problem to solution, fast. Together we create, test and validate your idea without wasting time and money.

Civic Innovation Training program.

Learn everything you need to facilitate your own innovation workshops to get things moooving.

Mission & business model innovation.

Build, test and validate sustainable economical models for collaboration and growth.

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